Java Programming

Methods of Thread class

Method Description   run () The run() method is a method which contain behavior & entire body of a thread. It is the soul of a thread.       start () It is a method with the help of which run() method is invoked by an object of the related(concerned) thread.Method run()cannot be directly…

Java Programming

System.out.println(“Hi, Java”);

The print statement in Java looks like:- Above statement shows the way to show the output to the user. System System class is one of the core class that provides various useful class fields and methods. It cannot be instantiated. This class also provides facilities regarding standard output, standard input and standard errors. The ‘System’…

C Basic Programs

Program to check for a Happy Number.

Happy Number – Replace the number by the sum of the squares of its digits, and repeat the process. At the end, if the number is equals to 1 then it is a Happy Number, or it loops endlessly in a cycle that does not include 1 (if it is not a happy number then…